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Vibrant Functional Academy

Enabling personalized solutions to achieve Vibrant health and longevity.

A Dietitian's Take on Hack Your Health: The Secrets of Your Gut

In today's fast-paced world, it can be challenging to prioritize health amid busy schedules and...

Research Spotlight: Gut Commensals and Their Metabolites in Health and Disease

While the gut's role in digestion is well known, its impact extends far beyond the GI tract. The...

The Gut Barrier's Role in Micronutrient Absorption

It’s well known that the foods we eat have a tremendous influence on our overall well-being and...

Balancing Estrogen: Why the Gut Microbiome Matters

Functional medicine is constantly evolving, with increasing research revealing the intricate links...

The Surprising Impact of Stress on Gut Health

Our body’s response to stress is unique in that it can manifest both mentally and physically....

Demystifying SIBO for Functional Medicine Practitioners

Digestive and gut issues are common symptoms patients seek guidance for in the U.S., but what's at...

Don’t judge a book by its cover: Are harmful bacteria masquerading as “good guys” in your gut?

You might have read the bottle of your new probiotic wondering what exactly all these different...

The Link Between Your Gut Health and Cholesterol

September is National Cholesterol Awareness Month. If you have ever been to your doctor and your...

Green: A Phytonutrient Guide

We’ve probably all heard about a bazillion times to eat our greens. More green veggies, more leafy...