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Vibrant Functional Academy

Enabling personalized solutions to achieve Vibrant health and longevity.

The Link Between Diet and Disease: Insights from Food Sensitivity Testing

The diet and disease relationship is well established and has gained significant attention in the...

The Impact of Food Sensitivities on Daily Life and How to Discover Yours

Food sensitivities profoundly impact daily life, affecting everything from digestive health to...

B-Cell Epitopes as Novel Biomarkers for the Detection of Celiac Disease

For approximately two million Americans, eating a simple slice of bread can lead to serious...

Understanding Lectin Sensitivity: A Guide for Patients and Healthcare Providers

Lectins are sugar-binding proteins found in several common foods, including grains, legumes,...

The Genetic Roots of Celiac Disease

In the debate of nature vs. nurture, where does autoimmune disease fall?

Many autoimmune diseases...

Can Inhaling Gluten Trigger Symptoms in Sensitive Individuals?

An astonishing number of people following a strict gluten-free diet and lifestyle remain...

Elimination Diets for Food Sensitivities: How Strict Do I Have to Be?

“How strict do I have to be on the elimination diet?”

This is the most common question asked by...

How to Choose Your Food Zoomers

The Vibrant Food Zoomers provide the most in depth and accurate look at true food sensitivities –...

How Do You Know If You Are Sensitive to Lectins?


Lectins are a large class of sugar-binding proteins that can be found in...

The Wheat Zoomer Now Has Pediatric Ranges!

If you’re a parent of a child with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease, you know how much of a...