Well ProZ Insights

7 Ways to Attract and Engage Patients Online

Written by Tyana Smith, MA | May 17, 2023 6:13:36 PM

In today's digital world, patients are more likely than ever to research their health concerns online before making an appointment with a medical provider. That's why it's so important for medical professionals to have a strong online presence. But how do you go about attracting and engaging patients online? Read on to find out. 

1. Use social media to your advantage

Social media is a great way to connect with potential and current patients. Use social media platforms to share helpful articles, answer patient questions, and promote events or special offers. Be sure to show up consistently and monitor your social media accounts regularly so that you can respond promptly to any questions or concerns.

2. Create blog content that educates and informs

Your blog is another great platform for sharing helpful information with potential and current patients. Write blog posts that educate patients about various health topics, give tips for living a healthy lifestyle, or highlight the success stories of past patients. By providing valuable content, you'll not only attract new patients but also keep existing patients engaged with your practice.


3. Embrace video

Video is a powerful tool that can be used to engage and educate patients. Share helpful tips or educational videos on your social media channels or post them on your Well ProZ shop. You can even use video to give potential patients a tour of your facility or introduce them to your staff.


4. Offer an irresistible freebie or opt-in

One great way to attract new patients is to offer a freebie or opt-in to potential patients. This could be a PDF guide, an e-book, a quiz, a meal plan, or even a discount on their first visit. Be sure to consider and highlight the pain points of your target market so that they see the value in your free offer.

5. Get involved in your community

Another great way to attract new patients is to get involved in your local community. Attend health fairs, host educational seminars, or sponsor a local sports team. Getting involved in the community will not only help you attract new patients but also build goodwill and brand awareness for your practice.

6. Share patient success stories

Nothing is more powerful than a patient's personal story of success. Share patient success stories on your website or social media channels, and be sure to get permission from the patients beforehand. These stories serve as social proof that your practice can help patients achieve their health goals.


7. Host a webinar

There's no faster way to build rapport and show the value of your tests and services than hosting a webinar that speaks to the very solution that your patients are looking for. Today most people know their way around Zoom, so that's a great place to start.

By following the tips above, you can use your Well ProZ shop, website, and social media platforms to attract and engage patients online.

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